Outdoor Activities

Even if you live in a reasonably warm climate, we can guarantee you’ve still been anticipating the summer months; because we all have! Outdoor activities; whether it be as simple as a barbeque or as fun as a friendly baseball game, both are an absolute necessity to fully enjoy the summer months. Here are some potential inspirations to help guide you through summer!
The Classic Backyard BBQ – Simple and Delicious!
Who knew something as simple as hosting a barbeque could be so rewarding? And why is this? Because there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying a delicious meal with the people you love most!
The key to hosting a successful backyard barbeque is much like running any other dinner party; PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. There should never be a moment when someone’s drink is empty, you should never run out of serviettes, and most importantly, tend to your barbeque! Now, you’re probably wondering by now, “Well, what do I do with my little ones?”, and guess what?! This is the beauty of hosting a family barbeque; the kids get to play with other kids, and the adult’s converse with… you guessed it, other adults! Really this is a time for everyone to enjoy themselves but on different levels. So sit back, drink some lemonade, grab a burger, and appreciate what family meals have to offer! To read some great tips on how to execute the perfect outdoor barbeque, click the following link!
How to Plan the Perfect BBQ
Outdoor Camping Extravaganza – Create Your Own Adventure!
Many of us are afraid to rough it outdoors for longer than just a few minutes. Heck, I’d even go so far as to say that most of us are afraid to run out of gas on the side of the highway! Camping will change this. After all, connecting with nature is one of the most valuable life lessons you can teach your cubs, and if you can share the experience with them, even better!
Camping can only truly work if you’ve planned your weekend effectively, if you have not, it can be disastrous. Some notable items to be 100% sure you have packed include the following:
- Sleeping accommodations, i.e.: Tent, sleeping bag, pillows, your little one’s favourite blankie.
- Plenty of sunscreen with an SPF of 40 or higher.
- First Aid Kit
- Plenty of snacks, i.e.: fruits and vegetables, trail mix, granola bars, treats, etc.
- Any medications you or your little ones may need
To see a full list of potential items you should pack, please visit Love the Outdoors’ website.
Day Trips to Theme Parks – Perfect for Families!
Rollercoaster’s may not be for everyone, but thankfully theme park planners have realized this and have planned accordingly so everyone can have a great time, not just the wild ones. Take a load off and enjoy the beautiful scenery with an ice cream cone, or if you and the wee ones are up to it, most theme parks have aquatic areas, so cool yourselves off by going for a dip!
Of course, with any day trip as such, safety should always come first. Here is a quick list of safety tips to ensure you and your children have a fun and safe experience:
- Plan to be there all day, I.e.: make sure you have packed sunscreen, wide brimmed hats, plenty of water (and remember, although theme park prices can sometimes be outrageous, your families safety overrides any monetary expenditure, so spend the $10 and buy a bottle of water before your little ones get too dehydrated!), and dress for the weather.
- Devise a meeting place strategy. Our suggestion is to pick a landmark within the theme park and be 100% sure your kids know and recognize it (some ideas include a large statue, a particular food stand, or when all else fails, the front gates work too!). Creating a meeting place will alleviate the stresses that come with taking your family on a day trip to a packed environment. And lastly, never ever leave your children alone! You may also want to have your children wear Oliver's Labels Safety Wristbands printed with your cell phone number on them.
- On an average day trip to a theme park, you and your family will walk approximately 2-3 miles in total. This is far too long of a journey for your little ones to endure. We suggest taking advantage of strollers (always available at all theme parks), and when all else fails, carry them! There is nothing worse than a tired little tyke who is ready to leave by 11am!
- Although it may be tempting, do not allow your little ones to overeat. This is a recipe for chaos when riding on rollercoaster’s for obvious reasons.
For a full list of safety tips visit the Fun 4 Kids
To find an amusement or theme park in your area click the link(s) below! Theme Parks in Canada or Theme Parks in America + International
Keep Cool Beside the Pool!
Whether your wee ones enjoy swimming or not, it is still an extremely important life lesson to learn to swim. Although swimming lessons are quite beneficial and we would certainly recommend them to any young person, sometimes learning from mama and papa bear is a better idea. Learning from you will provide a comfort level that is incomparable to learning from an instructor (after all, why do you think they offer parent/child swim lessons!).
Here are some quick tips on how to ease your little one into the pool with as little stress as possible:
- Whatever you would like them to do, whether it be jumping in feet first, or easing in, you do it first. Showing them that it’s safe for mommy and daddy to do can make or break this experience.
- Water wings are a useful tool, even if they appear to be bulky. Besides, once your little one realizes they can float with them on, chances are they will be far more likely to splish spash around without a care in the world! For older kids, try flutter boards.
- Walking your wee one around in the pool will get them used to the feeling of being submerged in water. Also, before dunking their heads under, it is a wise idea to have them blow bubbles in the water, that way they are already 50% on their way to a full head submersion!
To learn more about kids and swimming, click here
Day in the Park – The Alternative to Camping!
If you don’t have the chance to get out of the city for a weekend, why not try spending a day in the park with your kiddies? This can be much more relaxed than camping in the sense that you know you’re going home that very same day. Amenities will be a lot closer by should you need to purchase anything and don’t want to drive too far! Additionally, most parks are equipped with traditional playgrounds to keep your kids occupied while you enjoy the sun (just be sure to never take your eyes off of them!). If you’re lucky enough, perhaps your local park will even have a wading pool to play in! Below are some basic guidelines for ensuring your wee ones safety while spending a day in the park!
- If your kiddie is playing in the wading pool, we recommend that they wear either water shoes, flip flops, or any water friendly shoe with a sole. The reason being is because you can never be too sure of the hygiene standards of your local parks and recreation facilities. It is best just to have them wear the shoes and relieve the worries that may come along!
- Sandboxes are lots of fun to play in (but a pain to drag sand through the house afterward), just be sure to keep a close eye on your child in case of any dangerous buried objects.
- Always keep a close eye on your surroundings. Be aware of new persons entering the park playground, and be aware of who your little one talks to or befriend.
- Jungle gyms are a tradition in ‘kid world’, so let them enjoy themselves but feel free to remind them to be careful and always keep safety in mind.
Allergy Notice: If your child has seasonal allergies and uses medication, ensure you always have their medication with you at all times! When traveling to any foreign location, always make sure to note their allergies to their care provider (if you are not present). Try using Oliver’s Safety Wristbands to cover all of your bases!